Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Buy Research Paper Writing Service Fundamentals Explained

Buy Research Paper Writing Service Fundamentals Explained Timely delivery of work when writing an essay is necessary to a client because it enables the client to assess their work, and get it corrected before delivery. Each assignment is created especially for each client, on their own demand. This kind of academic task usually makes students panic, which might bring about a delayed submission and tons of anxieties. In such conditions, students start looking for reliable custom writing services. The Demise of Buy Research Paper Writing Service Who knew essay writing may be so tough. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, we're just the people that you will need to contact. If you're looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. Skilled essay writing crew and expert research raper service team will enable you to receive well-written papers that might help you to receive top grades. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Programming Paradigms Programming And Programming

Programming Paradigms Essay A programing paradigm is a logical approach used during software development that is used to describe how the programming language has been implemented. Many programing languages use multiple programming paradigms and some programming languages are designed so that they only follow one programming paradigm. There are a lot of programming paradigms, such as imperative, declarative, functional, object oriented, event driven, procedural, logic and finally symbolic programming techniques. Due to the many programming paradigms stated above, each and everybody’s programme can be seen and built in many different ways, for example in object orientated programming, a program is a combination of different parts or in this case objects interacting and working in a set way which has already been defined, whereas in decorative programming the computer is only told what the problem is and not actually how to fix the problem. Procedural programming is a programming paradigm often referred to as imperative programming, it is obtained from structured programming. Procedural programming uses lists of instructions to tell the computer to what to do step by step and it also relies on procedures, which are also known as routines or sub routines. A procedure contains a series of computational (a type of calculation) steps, which are carried out. Procedural programming is known as a top down language, this is when you have a big problem to solve and the mostShow MoreRelatedProgramming Concepts : Programming Paradigms2618 Words   |  11 PagesCMP2092M Programming Paradigms – Assignment One YAT13389566 Lewis Yates YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 1 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Task One 3 Task Two 4 Task Three 8 SYNTAX 8 SEMANTICS 8 YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 2 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms YAT13389566 Lewis Yates 3 CMP2092M Programming Paradigms Task One The table below characterises the four main programming paradigms by their descriptions and scenarios in which they are suited to. TypeRead MoreApplication And Limits Of The Following Programming Paradigms2137 Words   |  9 Pageslimits of the following programming paradigms: †¢ object-oriented programming †¢ Event-driven programming †¢ Procedural programing Task 2 (P2) To help Gary make decisions about which language to choose, you are asked to provide Gary a list of key factors and their importance in choosing a programming language. Task 3 (P3 and P4) As Gary is fascinated about computer software, he would also like you: 1. to explain sequence, selection and iteration as used in computer programming. Note: you may refer toRead MoreThe Importance Of Procedural Programming Paradigms And Which I Think Is The Best?1226 Words   |  5 PagesProgramming paradigms are different ways in which to achieve a specific outcome. There are many paradigms that are available to coders but the most popular is the OO (object orientation) paradigm. This would be because it has the most application out of all of the other paradigms, but this doesn’t make it the best paradigm out there. Different paradigms could be better for different outcomes. Throughout this essay I’m going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of numerous programming paradigmsRead MoreQuestions On Programming Paradigms Assignment2191 Words   |  9 Pages CMP2092M Programming Paradigms Assignment GRE13452104 Luke Greenwood Contents î ¿ ¿ Task 1 2 Task 2 6 Task 3 8 References 12î ¿ ¾ Task 1 Name Definition Advantage Abstraction â€Å"Data abstraction refers to, providing only essential information to the outside world and hiding their background details, i.e., to represent the needed information in program without presenting the details.† ( Hides the complexities of the program ExceptionRead MoreObject Oriented And How It Has Gained Popularity For Cost Reduction And Quality Improvement1156 Words   |  5 Pagesimplementation has gained popularity for cost reduction and quality improvement. Research the concept of OO. In 10 pages ( double spaced, 12 point Times Roman font with 1 inch margins ), explain the evolution of OO, how it differs from procedural programming, why it is more cost effective and how it can improve software quality. The research project will be submitted through Turnitin Be sure to locate at least 6 sources to reference. Cite your sources. Abstract This paper is about the evolutionRead MoreObject Oriented Programming And Procedural Programming887 Words   |  4 PagesObject Oriented Programming and Procedural Programming are two programming paradigms. A programming model is the primary genre of computer programming, and they vary in the way different elements of the program are represented and how steps for fixing obstacles are defined. As the name suggests, Object Oriented Programming focuses on representing disputes using real-world substances and their behavior while, Procedural Programming deals with identifying results to issues using procedures, which areRead MoreLanguages : Python And Java1216 Words   |  5 PagesProgramming languages are vast and diverse in their numbers. These different languages use fundamental styles of programming called programming paradigms. These programming paradigms layout the particular design approach that a program will use to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Of the many different types of programming paradigms, some of the more distinguished ones are procedural, functional, logical, and object orientated programming. Recently the object orientated languages have beenRead MoreUnit 6 Software Design And Development1533 Words   |  7 Pagesthat the organization needs. Gary needs to know what programming languages there are available, what features these have and how they could be used in his environment. Assignment Brief In order to satisfy Gary’s need for knowledge, you should prepare a report covering following topics (Tasks 1 – 4). Task1 (P1) Outlining the application and limits of the following programming paradigms: ï  ® object-oriented programming ï  ® Event-driven programming ï  ® Procedural programing Task 2 (P2) To help Gary makeRead MoreEvaluation Of An Organization, Gary, And The Managing Director Of The New Organization2582 Words   |  11 Pages â€Æ' Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Programing Paradigms 4 2.1 Object oriented Programing 4 2.1.1 Advantages 4 2.1.2 Disadvantages 4 2.2 Procedural programing 4 2.2.1 Advantages 5 2.2.2 Disadvantages 5 2.3 Event driven programing 5 2.3.1 Advantages 5 2.3.2 Disadvantages 5 3. Control Structures 6 4. Data Types 6 4.1 Data Types – VB 6 5. Pseudo Code – BTEC Grade calculator 7 6. Suitability of graphical programing 8 7. Screen Layout 8 8. Structure chart 10 9. Flow Chart 11 10. IPO (Input, Process, OutputRead MoreProgramming Models Of Wsn System1673 Words   |  7 PagesResearch Proposal Title Programming Models of WSN System: A State-of-the-Art Survey Introduction There are a lot scenarios need different sensor nodes to collaborate and integrated on the air into networks to facilitate applications. The scaled-down censoring system presented below is an example of those wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this system sensors are different between corridors area and manufacturing area, since they need different precise level. Those sensors combined together by different

Monday, December 9, 2019

Effective Communication and Healthy

Question: Discuss about theEffective Communication and Healthy Literacy for Rationale. Answer: Introduction Health literacy can be described as the ability to read, get the information and interpret the health care results to settle or fit the health choices to come up with an intervention (Tay, Ang Hegney,2012). The research done has shown that many health practitioners and a portion of the patients are unable to comprehend the basic healthcare instructions. Inadequate literacy is conventional among many people in all parts of the world including the most developed states. Scholarship has a strong influence on the healthcare than any other demographic variables and other distinguished aspects of ethnic groups, race and age. People with insufficient literacy experiences problems when comprehending the results established within the healthcare facilities. Among the issues, is the direction, a therapeutic solution and other ideas proposed by their health care advisers. As approximated by the united states of America, about 75 percent of people with the infection have constrained health lite racy. Health literacy is becoming one of the prominent issues among many individuals in the whole world. That means many of the patients cannot understand whatever happens in the field of health. This has expanded a great danger in the treatment and making the diagnosis to be more expensive (Cafiero,2013). Appropriate communication is necessary between the health practitioners and the patients. Patients understanding the information contributes significantly to the effect on the health care team through the different decisions made on a daily basis. In case the patients are not able to internalise the information from the health instructor, then there is a great danger in the inappropriate use of drugs. There is also a high probability of the occurrence of an adverse situation. Therefore, communication is one of the central areas complaints in many states. Thus, it's essential for all the health professionals to reflect its needs to improve the quality of the health services. It's also necessary for healthcare practitioners to enhance their literacy capabilities when talking with patients (Tay, Ang Hegney,2012). Importance of the active communication. Patient's knowledge level of the excellent health care services is based on their quality interactions with the healthcare experts. The link that the patients have with the health professional may ultimately improve their health status through participation in their interventions, understanding the pathogen and adhering to the treatment plans. According to (Riley,2015) the knowledge of the health practitioners alone does not guarantee the positive outcome of the interventions. Open and appropriate communication skills play a crucial role in the recovery of a patient. The health care practitioner's communication ability ensures a powerful and positive connection with client's adherence to the medication, appreciate their chronic medical situation and take care of their health behaviours. Medical professionals' skills in explaining, empathising and listening may profound an impact on functional and biological health results and also satisfying patients. Effective communication makes it essay during patients' history interview the most common tool used by many health practitioners during the consultation. For many years studies have proven that patients are not given opportunities to tell their history because of inadequate time. Thus, compromising diagnostic truthfulness. Therefore, effective communication will facilitate acquiring complete history from the clients to come up with appropriate healthcare decisions. Any time interruptions are experienced, the patient can perceive that what they are saying is not relevant. Effective communication will then be able to eliminate such barriers (Heinrich,2012). Effective communication will be able to enhance the disagreement experienced between the patients and the clinicians. These disagreements arise from the instructions which are sometimes confusing and costly. Improper communication makes it difficult for the patients to understand what they are supposed to do. The research done by (Kourkouta, Papathanasiou,2014) showed that many individuals with chronic infections underuse the prescriptions because of the cost issues. They are unable to share such information with their health care advisers. It has also been found that some of the admitted patients are not able to identify the diagnosis and the medication. The medication is facilitated by ineffective sharing of the information between the physicians and the patients. Importance of health literacy Health literacy is the individual's capacity to use medical information in making wise health decisions. The highest group of people affected by inadequate health literacy is a population mostly made up of aged people individual with insufficient reading skills and them with mastery of the languages like English. Most of the people are from cultural and ethnic minority groups which contributes a high level of health disparity. People of low literacy have not only the insufficient knowledge in reading but also the inability to understand the functioning of their body and the causes of various diseases. The ability to understand the health concerns will enable these people to manage such conditions. For instance, a research conducted by (Cafiero,2013) suggested that many HIV people infected with low literacy had low CD4 cell count, a high viral load and less likely in taking antiretroviral therapies. They were reported to have feeble health compared with an individual with high health literacy level. Health literacy is essential for the individuals living with diabetes type 2 and chronic diseases in order maintain their wellbeing. It's necessary to equip these individuals with the skills to access the healthcare services and approximately use of these services. According to (Dickens, Lambert, Cromwell Piano,2013) about a half of the population in the whole world have no appropriate skills and knowledge to comprehend and respond to the demands healthcare systems. Thus, the health literacy is more vital for these individuals in any improvement within the healthcare systems. People with health literacy are more likely to use the health services. These services are like visiting the healthcare facilities frequently. Individuals with health literacy level have more significance attributes like the ability to take care of chronic illness issues and other cardiovascular diseases. This leads to low level of mortality rate. These individuals are less likely to get involved in the unsafe or inappropriate use of counter medicines. They are more likely to engross or hold the attention in health practices that deter infections like physical activities and proper diets. The individuals have no problem in plans within the healthcare systems. A community that is health literate contributes to saving the health resources. Squiers Peinado, Berkman, Boudewyns, McCormack, (2012) this is one of the many benefits that come along with health literacy. It is true that many governments across the world play a key role in ensuring the health safety of its citizens. Therefore, it's vital for health literacy across all the cultural and ethnic groups. Health literacy frameworks Health literacy in hold several structures. One of them is the health framework proposed by Nutbeam which addressed three critical areas in the health literacy (Muller et al. 2017). The context was used in Israel to examine the healthcare routines associated with patients' information with the chronic diseases and diabetes on self-management (Fransen, Wagner Essink 2012). The framework was applied in preventing and controlling infections linked with intestinal parasites in China and in the UK to identify the challenges associated with adolescents. Another health literacy framework was developed in the year 2004 Institute of medicine. The framework suggested that health literacy is never an independent aspect but a component that depends on complex interactions. According to (Golbeck, Ahlers, Paschal, Dismuke,2005) it's a very vast system that overwhelms families, individuals, communities and networks. Different people including caregivers, patients and other stakeholders in the hea lth professionals are traced within the systems. The health literacy conditions of different groups of people differ depending on the various aspects. These aspects include access to the immediate information from the health professional that is appropriate to the clients. The other factor is the cognisance of technologies within the health sector. Every health professional should be well equipped with all technological skills to provide high-quality services to their patients (Lewis, Strachan Smith,2012). For example, the therapies. The next factor is the level of the ability in gathering and to comprehend the health data. The last aspect involves the attributes possessed by the health practitioners like the capability of effective communication (Koh et al. 2012). In conclusion, health literacy has the substantial effect on the healthcare. People with insufficient literacy experiences problems in trying to understand the outcomes of their health within the healthcare facilities. That means effective communication is more vital to the clinicians and the patients. This presentation will equip the new members of the staff with health literacy concept, definition and the background. The audience will as well acquire the knowledge about the benefits of literacy and effective communication within the health systems. References Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015). Interpersonal Relationships-E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Cafiero, M. (2013). Nurse practitioners' knowledge, experience, and intention to use health literacy strategies in clinical practice. Journal of health communication, 18(sup1), 70-81. Cherry, B., Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, management. Elsevier Health Sciences. Dickens, C., Lambert, B. L., Cromwell, T., Piano, M. R. (2013). Nurse overestimation of patients' health literacy. Journal of health communication, 18(sup1), 62-69. Fransen, M. P., von Wagner, C., Essink-Bot, M. L. (2012). Diabetes self-management in patients with low health literacy: ordering findings from literature in a health literacy framework. Patient education and counselling, 88(1), 44-53. Golbeck, A. L., Ahlers-Schmidt, C. R., Paschal, A. M., Dismuke, S. E. (2005). A definition and operational framework for health numeracy. American journal of preventive medicine, 29(4), 375-376. Heinrich, C. (2012). Health literacy: The sixth vital sign. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 24(4), 218-223. Koh, H. K., Berwick, D. M., Clancy, C. M., Baur, C., Brach, C., Harris, L. M., Zerhusen, E. G. (2012). New federal policy initiatives to boost health literacy can help the nation move beyond the cycle of costly crisis care. Health Affairs, 31(2), 434-443. Kourkouta, L., Papathanasiou, I. V. (2014). Communication in nursing practice. Material socio-media, 26(1), 65. Lewis, R., Strachan, A., Smith, M. M. (2012). Is high fidelity simulation the most effective method for the development of non-technical skills in nursing? A review of the current evidence. The open nursing journal, 6, 82. Muller, I., Rowsell, A., Stuart, B., Hayter, V., Little, P., Ganahl, K., ... Nutbeam, D. (2017). Effects on engagement and health literacy outcomes of web-based materials promoting physical activity in people with diabetes: an international randomised trial. Journal of medical Internet research, 19(1). Riley, J. B. (2015). Communication in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences. Squiers, L., Peinado, S., Berkman, N., Boudewyns, V., McCormack, L. (2012). The health literacy skills framework. Journal of health communication, 17(sup3), 30-54. Tay, L. H., Ang, E., Hegney, D. (2012). Nurses' perceptions of the barriers to effective communication with inpatient cancer adults in Singapore. Journal of clinical nursing, 21(17?18), 2647-2658.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Reality free essay sample

Our nation’s spirits crumbled on September 11, 2001; my world crumbled on March 22, 2007. I was in a dark hole, and I could not see the light. My body bled from vertical and horizontal wounds. I can’t swallow, and my gums and teeth were pounding with pain from the last bathroom visit. What and why I was on this planet soon became my new mantra. This was the last night of hell I could handle. The next day I wanted to solve this with a permanent solution. â€Å"We’re going for a drive,† my mother said, as I passed through the house with my eyes looking at the carpet. Next thing I know, we pulled up to what looked like an old haunted building. There was a big banner saying, â€Å"Welcome to Rogers Memorial Hospital, Celebrating 100 Years.† Tears poured down my face; but, they were tears of joy. Help was finally here. We will write a custom essay sample on Reality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would be there as an in-patient. Before I could leave, I had to learn how to cope in a positive way. There I shared things with people I just met that my best friends didn’t know. I found that I wasn’t alone; people knew how I felt. Once I was released I jumped in my own bed; I felt so good. At the same time, I was scared to be home. Now the challenges were back, and I had to face them head on. The weekend was okay, but now I had to face the biggest fear of all: school. â€Å"Where were you?† everyone asked once they saw me. â€Å"Sick,† I said. â€Å"With what?† followed out of the lips of my peers. What should I say? For being a cutter? For having an eating disorder? For not wanting to live to see tomorrow or should I just say I had mono. Sometimes, I just became silent when they asked. Through this, I have found my true friends. I still have to find myself. Recovery is a process I’m still going through. I know I can be strong, hard working, and use my new tools throughout my life. I know I am not alone and can relate to my peers about the struggles of life because I went through it myself. I fell, but now I can rebuild just like the Nation did. I will remember my 9/11 for a lifetime.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Definition Essay Sample on Stress What Is It

Definition Essay Sample on Stress What Is It Sample essay on Stress: The word stress has many possible meanings. The meaning of the word depends on whom you’re talking to. The most common definition of stress is best described in the Cambridge Dictionary, which gives several general definitions. The first being, a great worry caused by a difficult situation, an example of this would be choosing between two great jobs. A second definition is worried or anxious such as, waiting to find out if you’re pregnant. Another definition is to give emphasis or special importance to something, such as putting emphasis on a word in a sentence to make it mean something different rather than putting no emphasis on it at all. A final definition is a force that acts in a way which tends to change the shape of an object, an example being a stress fracture where a bone changes its shape by getting a hair line split in it causing pain to an individual. There are also many other definitions for stress. The word stress is used in a variety of different fields. In the Dorlands Medical Dictionary, stress is defined as the pressure of the upper teeth against the lower teeth in mastication. In the Dictionary of Computing, stress is an acronym for Structural Engineering System Solver, which is used by computer programmers. Another definition found in Geology dictionary defines stress as being a force applied to a material that tends to change dimensions. Finally stress is also used in the field of art. In a dictionary of Art stress is defined as the important significance or emphasis placed on something. An example of this would be in a drawing of a person the artist might want to give emphasis or stress that person’s eyes. I would say the Cambridge Dictionary give the best definition of worried or anxious, this would be my favorite definition. I believe that this particular definition is the most common because it is how most people use the word stress.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Definition of a Prepositional Verb and How to Use One

Definition of a Prepositional Verb and How to Use One A prepositional verb is an idiomatic expression that combines a verb and a preposition to make a new verb with a distinct meaning. Some examples of prepositional verbs in English are care for, long for, apply for, approve of, add to, resort to, result in, count on,  and deal with. The preposition in a prepositional verb is generally followed by a noun or pronoun, and thus prepositional verbs are transitive. Examples and Observations God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools. (John Muir, The American Forests. The Atlantic Monthly, 1897)The difference between the old ballplayer and the new ballplayer is the jersey. The old ballplayer cared about the name on the front. The new ballplayer cares about the name on the back. (Steve Garvey)I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers. (Mahatma Gandhi) Prepositional verbs consist of a transitive verb plus a preposition with which it is closely associated. He stared at the girl.She finally decided on the blue car. Prepositional verbs do not take the particle movement rule. The verb and the following preposition can be separated by an adverb, and the preposition can precede a relative pronoun and appear at the beginning of a wh- question. He stared intently at the girl.The girl at whom he was staring was strikingly beautiful.At whom was he staring? (Ron Cowan, The Teachers Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 2008) Pronouncing Prepositional Verbs A prepositional verb consists of a verb plus a particle which is clearly a preposition: for example, look at, send for, rely on. These are mostly lexically singly stressed, with a primary stress going on the verb. Thus look at has the same stress pattern as edit or borrow. The second element, the preposition, being unstressed, does not get accented (unless for contrastive focus). (John Christopher Wells, English Intonation. Cambridge University Press, 2006) The Difference Between Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Verbs There are a number of syntactic criteria you can use for distinguishing phrasal verbs from prepositional verbs: in transitive phrasal verbs, the particle is movable, but the preposition in a prepositional verb is not;the NP is the object of the verb in phrasal verbs rather than of the preposition;in both transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs, the particle carries stress, as in She took the cap off or The plane took off, while prepositions are unstressed, as in We knocked on the door.adverbials cannot intervene between the verb and the particle whereas they can between the verb and the preposition, *looked quickly up the information, but looked quickly into the oven. (Laurel J. Brinton, The Structure of Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction. John Benjamins, 2000)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Romance Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Romance Movies - Essay Example Characteristically romance movies usually have a theme of progression of a sensual and mostly sexual relationship that enhances a character growth mostly between the main actor and actress. Sleepless in Seattle is a perfect example. The movie revolves around Sam Baldwin who has just lost his wife to cancer, Sam's son Jonah thinks that his father needs another wife in order to get back on track, Jonah goes ahead and calls a radio station and he convinces his father to go on air too. The call is heard by6 many women on air including a journalist from Baltimore (Annie reed), well the rest is history. Other top rated romance movies include titanic (1997), pretty woman (1990), love story (1970), city of angels (1998) among others. Movies not only romantic movies are a nice mode of passing time as they also reduce incidences of idleness that is a major reason for drug abuse. In Addition, movies are a popular way of relaxing with friends and catching up on good times. They also assist their viewers to be updated on the current dating catchwords. Romance movies are good to watch any time. They provide viewers with an enticing time as they incorporate the themes of love and romance. These movies usually have a great impact on viewers since at the end of the day many adults as well as kids learn a lot from them. Relationship building: romance movies have both a positive and negative impact on viewer's re

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International business Wipro case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International business Wipro case - Essay Example There is plenty of available labor for programmers and engineers at low cost in India. This paper provides the answers to three discussion questions. Outsourcing work has become a very popular business strategy in the 21st century. This business tendency began to manifest itself in the latter half of the 20th century. General Electric is a giant company that due to its size has become a bit static and its overhead and operating costs have been on the rise. In order to take corrective action to stop the rising cost from hurting the profitability of the company GE when it started doing business with Wipro in 1989 that the Indian based firm could served as valuable business allied and partner. The company began to outsource a lot of its contracts to Wipro because the company could provide valuable technical assistance at fraction of the cost of doing the same tasks in house. By the late 1990’s the outsourcing of contracts to Indian companies help GE achieve $300 million in savings. These savings allowed to company to become more competitive since lower overall costs meant the company could offer more competitive prices. These types of outsourcing contracts help the US economy instead of hurting it. The general public sometimes thinks that outsourcing is taking jobs away from American Citizens. I guess a simplistic view of the issue would anyone think that since companies such as GE eliminate labor requirements by outsourcing, but the truth of the matter is that outsourcing has saved millions of US jobs by allowing American firms to compete in the global marketplace. When a company out sources certain tasks it lowers its operating costs which enables firm to lower its overall cost structure so that companies such as GE can compete with foreign companies operating in developing nations. Such process improvements allows the manager to fulfill the goal of maximizing shareholder’s wealth (Garrison & Noreen, 2003). As

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Public Safety and Privacy Essay Example for Free

Public Safety and Privacy Essay Abstract   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the U.S. constantly tries to find the correct balance between privacy and public safety. Connecticut Department of Public Safety v. John Doe has revealed the important implications of public safety towards privacy in the United States.   Ã‚  Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The terrorist acts of 9/11 have revealed serious inconsistencies between public safety and privacy in the legal system of the United States. Numerous laws, legal norms, and Supreme Court decisions have only increased the growing tension between the two notions of public safety and privacy. The natural state’s desire to protect its citizens from terrorist threats has evidently neglected the importance of stable balance between public safety and privacy. As a result, the state cannot effectively promote both legal values and has to sacrifice one legal notion for the sake of protecting the other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Connecticut v. Doe: summary of the case Among other things, Connecticut’s ‘Megan’s Law’ requires persons convicted of sexual offenses to register with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) upon their release into the community, and requires DPS to post a sex offender registry containing registrant’s names, addresses, photographs, and descriptions on an Internet website and to make the registry available to the public in certain state offices. (Supreme Court of the United States, 2002) In the case of Connecticut Department of Public Safety v. Doe, the Supreme Court of the United States has actually overturned the orders of the lower district courts, which prescribed Connecticut Department of Public Safety to shut down its official website, which presented the visitors with the information about convicted sex offenders, and to prevent public access to printed information about sex offenders. The lower courts concluded that spreading information about sex offenders and making it public initially implicated the liberty interests of those who could become potential registrants of the discussed website (Supreme Court of the United States, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Supreme Court of the United States has completely disagreed with the previous decisions of the lower courts. John Doe was trying to defend his position by stating that he was not dangerous during the time when he was registered at the website. However, the Supreme Court has come to conclusion that regardless the danger sex offenders actually presented, they had to be registered. Objectively, it does not matter whether the sex offender is dangerous or not. Connecticut’s â€Å"Megan’s Law† does not refer to any particular level of danger, according to which sex offenders should or should not be registered at Connecticut’s DPS website. It was sufficient for the U.S. Supreme Court to state that sex offenders were given an opportunity to contest their guilt during the sex offense court proceedings. Regardless the danger sex offenders represent, they must be registered at Connecticut DPS website, and to make their personal information publicly accessible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Connecticut v. Doe: implications   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The discussed case has generated acute public response. Beyond that, the case has carried profound implications for the social policies in the public safety area in the United States. To start with, â€Å"Connecticut’s Megan’s Law applies, with a few exceptions, to persons convicted after October 1, 1988 of criminal offenses against a minor, violent and nonviolent sexual offenses, and felonies committed for a sexual purpose† (Brooks, 1996). When sex offenders are released and enter the community, they are obliged to register with the sex offenders’ informational registry developed by Connecticut Department of Public Safety. Certainly, this is an effective measure of providing the community with the objective information its potential dangerous members. Simultaneously, sex offenders are not deprived of traditional personal and privacy rights. As a result, Connecticut’s Megan’s Law risks breaking the discussed privacy rights of those who has already been convicted and released from jail.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the desire to promote public safety, the U.S. has proved that such cannot exist in line with the privacy rights of those who can easily breach public safety again. Connecticut v. Doe has pushed the importance of public safety to the foreground, making it more important than privacy rights of sex offenders. The case has directly implied that social policies in the area of public safety require better focus on privacy rights. It is interesting to note, that in his justification of the Supreme Court’s decision, Justice Scalia compared Connecticut’s Megan’s Law with the law which prohibited everyone under age of 16 to drive a motor vehicle: â€Å"that is why, [†¦] a convicted sex offender has no more right to additional ‘process’ enabling him to establish that he is not dangerous than a 15-year-old has a right to ‘process’ enabling him to establish that he is a safe driver† (Supre me Court of the United States, 2002). Having drawn this analogy, the Justice has actually left no hope for the privacy rights’ defenders to protect privacy against public safety. The case has proven that the U.S. public safety policies lack profound understanding of what constitutes substantial risk to public safety and what factors could justify the breach of privacy rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Public safety remains the preliminary concern within the contemporary American legal system. The U.S. Patriot Act has become the culmination of the U.S. fight for public stability, safety, and peace. In the light of constant terrorist threats privacy rights seem to lose their relevance and turn into secondary legal elements. Although it is difficult to compare and equal terrorism to sex offense, sex offenders still create one of the major criminal dangers in the society, taking into account the extremely high level of recidivism among them (Inbau, 1999). There is no guarantee that a convicted and released sex offender would not commit another crime of sexual character. This is why the state makes it possible to justify the emphasis on public safety for the account of privacy rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In reality, the discussed case creates some generalizations about the state of public safety policies in the United States. On the one hand, the U.S. Patriot Act and legal enforcement agencies promote the importance and prevalence of public safety principles over the privacy rights. On the other hand, several organizations promote the importance of preliminary research before privacy rights are breached for the sake of public safety. Development and implementation of social policies should be based on research whenever possible. It should be noted that to date, few research studies about community notification have been conducted. The research that has been completed has not been able to conclude that community notification reduces recidivism or enhances community safety. (Solove, 2003) However, even when we lack scientific information which could justify community notification and privacy breach to protect public safety, the society has not yet invented more effective means of eliminating public safety threats. Sex offenders and terrorists equally represent serious threats to peace and stability in the society. This is why society invents numerous measures to protect itself from the safety threats and to release itself from the safety pressures. It seems that the U.S. will hardly be able to produce any relevant balance between privacy and public safety. The Supreme Court of the United States constantly confirms the real state of legal affairs in the state: privacy means less when it comes to protecting the public safety of the American nation, although we forget that the American nation is made of separate privacy rights and issues which also require protection.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is stated that â€Å"public safety can be enhanced and limited resources used more efficiently, when, the most aggressive notification practices should be reserved for those offenders who are at highest risk to reoffend and therefore require the most intensive interventions† (Brooks, 1996). However, we must be objective and realistic. When proponents of privacy rights express their desire to utilize sound evaluation procedures, and to protect privacy rights of those who are no longer dangerous to the society, they frequently forget that the American legal system lacks such evaluation models. Public notification has been invented to facilitate the control of public safety and to introduce the timely corrective measures. From the viewpoint of the current legal situation in the United States, the American nation ultimately has to decide what should be more important: privacy rights or public safety. Connecticut v. Doe implies that the country which has gone through terrorist attacks similar to 9/11, cannot any longer neglect the importance of public safety, even when it initially breaches legal privacy principles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to justify breaching of privacy rights, the state should develop a set of legal criteria, which will help determine whether a person or an action represents serious threat to public safety. In contemporary legal environment, the American society has not yet produced any other legal alternatives besides community notification. Specialists and human rights’ proponents may argue that the U.S. laws completely neglect the importance of personal privacy; but Connecticut v. Doe implies that when privacy threatens the whole society it can no longer be relevant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the legal viewpoint, Connecticut v. Doe has finally clarified the official state’s viewpoint on the importance of privacy rights vs. public safety. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision has underlined the importance of public safety and the prevalence of public safety principles over privacy rights. Legal professionals still fail to find a correct and justified balance between public safety and privacy rights. This is why it would be more appropriate to develop legal criteria for the assessment of risks a person or an action may produce against the state’s public safety. Of course, community notification about sex offenders â€Å"can create vigilantism† (Solove, 2003). As a result, the state requires thorough re-consideration of all legal and law enforcement practices which are aimed at protecting public safety, and which risk breaking privacy rights. References Brooks, A. (1996). Megan’s Law: Constitutionality and policy. Criminal Justice Ethics, 15, 99-101. Inbau, F.E. (1999). Public safety v. individual civil liberties: the prosecutor’s stand. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 29, 129-134. Solove, D.J. (2003). The virtues of knowing less: justifying privacy protections against disclosure. Duke Law Journal, 53, 6-15. Supreme Court of the United States. (2002). Connecticut Department of Public Safety et al v. Doe, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated. Retrieved March 8, 2008 from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sociology Essay -- Sociology Essays

The social growth of the young in different classes A Youth in Poverty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To most, it’s very easy to imagine how it would feel to grow up without much of anything in life. Hell...I can tell you first hand what it feels like to not have a decent pair of shoes or pants without holes in them, or old â€Å"hand-me-down† toys while most of the kids you know have â€Å"state-of-the-art† toys. To many children in this kind of situation, it seems like a very bleak world to live in. No child should ever have to experience this kind of life. However, due to ignorant parents and an even more jacked-up government, there are many children that will always be in this predicament.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now, it would be hard to think of any good coming out of living in such conditions. But just like a many things in this so-called existence, a person would have to look very hard to find the good things. There are, in fact, good things about living in the pits of poverty. For instance, children that are poor tend to appreciate things much more than a child with a more â€Å"privileged† life. When they get new things, they treat those things like intricately wrought gold, or a fine work of art. To them, a brand-new pair of ‘Jordan’ gym shoes or a ’PS2’ seems like pure treasure. Over time, this quality of appreciation will develop continually over the years. They will make responsible choices on things that they will always appreciate. With hope and a prayer, they will be able to pass down this quality to their future generations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another good quality that poor children have is their ability to socialize. When you are poor, you have little room to fear embarrassment. If you’re embarrassed about meeting new people or talking in front of a crowd, they you may as well be embarrassed with everything else in you life of poverty. Being poor is humiliating enough....being scared to talk is nothing compared to that. A kid that has just about nothing in life will hope to make as many new friends as they possibly can. Possibly so that they can fill in the little void they are likely to grow out of having so little. They are very assertive, and will do anything for attention. Jokes, stories, comments, and the sacred art of â€Å"Blazing† or â€Å"Baking† are the tools that poor children will use for socialization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &n... ... many times I wanted to knock a rich kid’s teeth into his brains.....((Ahem...)) They think that since they are rich, they are better that the entire world. When they think this, I wish nothing more than to strangle them with a garden hose and beat them with a wet towel....((Ahem, ahem...)) Everyone it this world should know...that even though they live life on a silver platter, they should remember one thing; when silver is not taken care of properly, it can and will tarnish over time. They may think that they are better than the world, but they will mess their lives up with that arrogant attitude. They can lose friends, family ties, relationships with other loved ones, jobs, schools, and other things of importance. No one is better than the matter how much money they may have, they are only human. Conclusion Time: The â€Å"glorious† life ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Because when a person wakes up from the fantasy of having everything they want, they are able to realize that money is nothing more than paper with a dead man’s face on it. The youth should know that there is more to life than wealth. Look hard, and they will be able to find what I’m talking about.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bread Baking an American Pasttime

Baking bread at home can be both fun and rewarding. There is no better way to create a wholesome and welcoming atmosphere than by baking a fresh loaf of milk bread or having guest walk into a room that smells of cooling banana bread. Although bread making has been a part of American culture for centuries today’s fast paced lifestyles has all but eliminated the art of making breads at home. However, it only takes a little flour and some kitchen know-how to revive this tradition for domestic excellence. There are two main types of breads, yeast breads and quick breads.Yeast breads are the airy, light and fluffy breads that are used for sandwiches and dinner rolls. Quick breads generally have fruit or nuts in them and have a denser composition. One of the easiest and most rewarding types of yeast bread is milk bread. Milk bread is a great place for the novice bread maker to start. It is easy and only requires milk, flour, salt, sugar and yeast, (All Recipes, n. d. ). In addition to the simple ingredients as the baker gains experience variations on this recipe can be made to include various cheeses, herbs or grains.Another type of yeast bread that has become a staple in kitchens across America is a simple country French bread. This bread is often long and crusty and it goes great with soups or dishes with heavy sauces. Country French bread takes more time than milk bread but by using recipes similar to the one listed on www. breadworld. com, bread makers both professionals and beginners can produce the flaky classic. Other types of breads that can be made at home include quick breads.These breads are called quick breads because they do not require the time that yeast breads need to rise. Common quick breads include banana bread, apple date bread or sour dough. Find amateur recipes for these breads at www. thejoykitchen. com. References All Recipes (n. d. ). Milk Bread. Retrieved April 6, 2009, from www. allrecipes. com Fleischman’s Rapid Rise Yeast (n . d. ). Country French Bread. Retrieved April 6, 2009, from www. breadworld. com The Joy of Cooking Cookbook (n. d. ). Quick Breads. Retrieved April 06, 2009, from www. thejoykitchen. com

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Shadow Kiss Chapter 22

Twenty-two DEIRDRE THE COUNSELOR must not have had much of a life, because she scheduled our next appointment on a Sunday. I wasn't thrilled about it, seeing as it wasn't just my day off – it was also the day my friends had off. Orders were orders, however, so I grudgingly showed up. â€Å"You're wrong,† I told her as soon as I sat down. We hadn't really addressed the questions from my first session yet. We'd spent our last couple of times talking about my mother and what I thought of the field experience. â€Å"What about?† she asked. She wore a sleeveless floral dress that seemed too cold for a day like today. It also bore an eerie resemblance to the nature photographs that hung around the office. â€Å"About the guy. I don't just like him because I can't have him. I like him because †¦ well, because he's him. I've proven it to myself.† â€Å"Proven it how?† â€Å"It's a long story,† I said evasively. I didn't really want to get into the details of my Adrian compulsion experiment. â€Å"You just have to trust me.† â€Å"What about the other thing we talked about?† she asked. â€Å"What about your feelings about Lissa?† â€Å"That idea was wrong too.† â€Å"Did you prove it to yourself?† â€Å"No, but it wasn't the kind of thing I could really test the same way.† â€Å"Then how can you be sure?† she asked. â€Å"Because I am.† That was the best answer she was going to get. â€Å"How have things been with her recently?† â€Å"Recently how?† â€Å"Have you spent a lot of time together? Kept up with what she's been doing?† â€Å"Sure, kind of. I don't see her as much. She's doing the same things as usual though. Hanging out with Christian. Acing every test. Oh, and she's practically got Lehigh's website memorized.† â€Å"Lehigh?† I explained the queen's offer to Deirdre. â€Å"She won't even be there until fall, but Lissa's already looking at all her classes and trying to figure out what she wants to major in.† â€Å"What about you?† â€Å"What about me?† â€Å"What will you do while she attends classes?† â€Å"I'll go with her. That's what usually happens if a Moroi has a guardian close to her age. They'll probably enroll me too.† â€Å"You'll take the same classes she does?† â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"Are there classes you'd rather take instead?† â€Å"How do I know? She hasn't even picked the ones she's going to take, so I don't know if I want to take them or not. But it doesn't matter. I have to go with her.† â€Å"And you don't have a problem with that?† My temper was starting to prickle. This was exactly what I hadn't wanted to talk about. â€Å"No,† I said tightly. I knew Deirdre wanted me to elaborate, but I refused to. We held each other's eyes for a few moments, almost like we were challenging the other to look away. Or maybe I was reading too much into it. She glanced down at the mysterious notepad she always held and flipped through a couple of pages. I noticed that her nails were perfectly shaped and painted red. The polish on mine had started to chip. â€Å"Would you rather not talk about Lissa today?† she asked at last. â€Å"We can talk about whatever you think is useful.† â€Å"What do you think is useful?† Damn it. She was doing the question thing again. I wondered if one of the certificates on her wall gave her some sort of special qualification to do that. â€Å"I think it'd be useful if you stopped talking to me like I'm a Moroi. You act like I have choices – like I have the right to be upset about any of this or pick what classes I want to take. I mean, let's say I could choose them. What good would it do? What am I going to do with those classes? Go be a lawyer or a marine biologist? There's no point in me having my own schedule. Everything's already decided for me.† â€Å"And you're okay with that.† It could have been a question, but she said it like a statement of fact. I shrugged. â€Å"I'm okay with keeping her safe, and that's what you keep missing here. Every job has bad parts. Do I want to sit through her calculus classes? No. But I have to because the other part is more important. Do you want to listen to angry teenagers try to block your efforts? No. But you have to because the rest of your job is more important.† â€Å"Actually,† she said unexpectedly, â€Å"that's my favorite part of the job.† I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but I decided not to pursue it, particularly since she hadn't responded with a question. I sighed. â€Å"I just hate everyone acting like I'm being forced to be a guardian.† â€Å"Who's ‘everyone'?† â€Å"Well, you and this guy I met at Court†¦this dhampir named Ambrose. He's†¦well, he's a blood whore. A guy blood whore.† Like that wasn't obvious. I waited to see if she'd react to the term, but she didn't. â€Å"He made it sound like I was trapped in this life and all that too. But I'm not. This is what I want. I'm good at this. I know how to fight, and I know how to defend others. Have you ever seen a Strigoi?† She shook her head. â€Å"Well, I have. And when I say I want to spend my life protecting Moroi and killing Strigoi, I mean it. Strigoi are evil and need to be wiped out. I'm happy to do that and if I get to be with my best friend in the process, that's even better.† â€Å"I understand that, but what happens if you want other things – things that you can't have by choosing this lifestyle?† I crossed my arms. â€Å"Same answer as before. There are good and bad sides to everything. We just have to balance them as best we can. I mean, are you going to try to tell me that life isn't that way? That if I can't have everything perfect, then there's something wrong with me?† â€Å"No, of course not,† she said, tilting back in her chair. â€Å"I want you to have a wonderful life, but I can't expect a perfect one. No one can. But what I think is interesting here is how you respond and cope when you have to reconcile these contradictory pieces of your life – when having one thing means you can't have another.† â€Å"Everyone goes through that.† I felt like I was repeating myself. â€Å"Yes, but not everyone sees ghosts as a result of it.† It took several heavy seconds for me to finally realize what she was getting at. â€Å"So wait. You're saying that the reason I'm seeing Mason is because I secretly resent Lissa for the things I can't have in my life? What happened to all the trauma I've been through? I thought that was the reason I'm seeing Mason?† â€Å"I think there are a lot of reasons you're seeing Mason,† she said. â€Å"And that's what we're exploring.† â€Å"And yet,† I said, â€Å"we never actually talk about Mason.† Deirdre smiled serenely. â€Å"Don't we?† Our session ended. â€Å"Does she always answer your questions with questions?† I asked Lissa later. I was walking with her through the quad, heading toward the commons for dinner. Afterward, we were going to meet up with the others for a movie. It had been a while since she and I had hung out just by ourselves, and I realized now how much I'd missed it. â€Å"We don't see the same counselor,† she laughed. â€Å"It'd be a conflict of interest.† â€Å"Well, does yours do that then?† â€Å"Not that I've really noticed. I take it yours does?† â€Å"Yeah †¦ it's actually pretty amazing to watch.† â€Å"Who knew the day would come when we'd be comparing notes on therapy?† We both laughed at that. Several moments passed, and then she started to say something. She wanted to tell me about what had happened with Jesse and Ralf, not realizing I already knew. Before she could say anything, though, someone joined us. Dean Barnes. â€Å"Hey, Rose. A bunch of us are trying to figure out why you're on half-time.† Great. I'd known somebody would ask about that sooner or later. And honestly, I was kind of surprised it hadn't happened already. Everyone had been too busy with their own field experiences to give it much thought until now. I had an excuse ready. â€Å"I've been sick. Dr. Olendzki didn't want me going full-time.† â€Å"Really?† he asked, staggering a little. â€Å"I thought they were always talking about how in the real world, you don't get sick days. Or something like that.† â€Å"Well, this isn't the real world, and Dr. Olendzki's word is final.† â€Å"I heard it was because you're a threat to Christian.† â€Å"No, believe me, that's not it.† The scent of alcohol radiating off of him gave me a convenient way to change the subject. â€Å"Have you been drinking?† â€Å"Yeah, Shane got some stuff and had a few of us up in his room. Hey.† â€Å"Hey what?† I asked. â€Å"Don't look at me like that.† â€Å"Like what?† â€Å"Like you disapprove.† â€Å"I'm not,† I argued. Lissa giggled. â€Å"You are, actually.† Dean put on an offended face. â€Å"Hey, it's my day off, and even if it is Sunday, that doesn't mean I can't – â€Å" Something moved beside us. I didn't even hesitate. It was too fast, too covert to be anything friendly. And it was wearing all black. I threw myself between it and Lissa and lashed out at my attacker. In the flurry of activity, I vaguely recognized a guardian who generally taught the elementary novices. Her name was Jane or Joan or something like that. Jean, that was it. She was taller than me, but my fist made contact with her face anyway. She staggered back, and then I noticed another shape coming up beside her. Yuri. I leapt over so that she was between him and me. I kicked her in the stomach. She fell toward him, and both stumbled. In that brief moment, I had my practice stake out and aimed for her heart. I hit the mark, and she immediately stepped aside since she was now technically â€Å"dead.† Yuri and I then faced off. Beyond me, I heard a muffled sound that I suspected was Dean fighting his own attacker or attackers. I didn't have time to check yet. I needed to dispatch Yuri, which was harder since he was stronger than Jean. He and I circled, both feinting and landing blows. Finally, he made his major move, but I was faster and wiggled out of his grip. I stayed out of his reach just long enough to stake him too. As soon as he backed away in defeat, I turned toward Dean. Lissa stood off to the side, watching as Dean sparred with his attacker. It was pathetic, to say the least. I'd given Ryan a hard time, but his mistakes were nothing compared to this. Dean's practice stake was on the ground, and his moves were jerky and unsteady. I decided then that he was more of a liability if he stayed in the fight. I threw myself forward and shoved him out of the way, off toward Lissa. I think I might have pushed hard enough to make him fall, but I didn't care. I needed him out of the way. Facing my opponent, I saw: Dimitri. It was unexpected. Some little voice in the back of my head said I couldn't fight Dimitri. The rest of me reminded that voice that I'd been doing it for the last six months, and besides, he wasn't Dimitri right now. He was my enemy. I sprang toward him with the stake, hoping to catch him by surprise. But Dimitri was hard to catch by surprise. And he was fast. Oh, so fast. It was like he knew what I was going to do before I did it. He halted my attack with a glancing blow to the side of the head. I knew it would hurt later, but my adrenaline was running too strong for me to pay attention to it now. Distantly, I realized some other people had come to watch us. Dimitri and I were celebrities in different ways around here, and our mentoring relationship added to the drama. This was prime-time entertainment. My eyes were only on Dimitri, though. As we tested each other, attacking and blocking, I tried to remember everything he'd taught me. I also tried to remember everything I knew about him. I'd practiced with him for months. I knew him, knew his moves, just as he knew mine. I could anticipate him the same way. Once I started using that knowledge, the fight grew tricky. We were too well matched, both of us too fast. My heart thumped in my chest, and sweat coated my skin. Then Dimitri finally got through. He moved in for an attack, coming at me with the full force of his body. I blocked the worst of it, but he was so strong that I was the one who stumbled from the impact. He didn't waste the opportunity and dragged me to the ground, trying to pin me. Being trapped like that by a Strigoi would likely result in the neck being bitten or broken. I couldn't let that happen. So, although he held most of me to the ground, I managed to shove my elbow up and nail him in the face. He flinched, and that was all I needed. I rolled him over and held him down. He fought to push me off, and I pushed right back while also trying to maneuver my stake. He was so strong, though. I was certain I wouldn't be able to hold him. Then, just as I thought I'd lose my hold, I got a good grip on the stake. And like that, the stake came down over his heart. It was done. Behind me, people were clapping, but all I noticed was Dimitri. Our gazes were locked. I was still straddling him, my hands pressed against his chest. Both of us were sweaty and breathing heavily. His eyes looked at me with pride – and a hell of a lot more. He was so close, and my whole body yearned for him, again thinking he was a piece of me I needed in order to be complete. The air between us seemed warm and heady, and I would have given anything in that moment to lie down with him and have his arms wrap around me. His expression showed me that he was thinking the same thing. The fight was finished, but remnants of the adrenaline and animal intensity remained. Then a hand reached down, and Jean helped me stand up. She and Yuri were beaming, as were the spectators who had wandered up. Even Lissa looked impressed. Dean, understandably, looked miserable. I hoped word of my stunning victory would spread around campus as fast as the recent bad stuff about me had. Probably not. â€Å"Well done,† said Yuri. â€Å"You took down all three of us. That was textbook perfect.† Dimitri was on his feet now too. I looked pointedly at the other two guardians because I was pretty sure if I looked at him, my expression would give everything away. My breathing was still heavy. â€Å"I hope †¦ I hope I didn't hurt any of you,† I said. This made all of them laugh. â€Å"That's our job,† said Jean. â€Å"Don't worry about us. We're tough.† She glanced at Dimitri. â€Å"She got you pretty good with her elbow.† Dimitri rubbed his face near his eye, and I hoped I hadn't caused too much damage. â€Å"The student surpasses the teacher,† he joked. â€Å"Or stakes, rather.† Yuri was giving Dean a hard look. â€Å"Alcohol isn't allowed on campus.† â€Å"It's Sunday!† he exclaimed. â€Å"We aren't supposed to be on duty.† â€Å"There are no rules in the real world,† said Jean in a very teacherlike way. â€Å"Consider this a pop quiz. You passed it, Rose. Very nice job.† â€Å"Thanks. Wish I could say the same for my clothes.† I was wet and muddy. â€Å"I'm going to have to go change, Liss. I'll meet you for dinner.† â€Å"Okay.† Her face was alight. She was so proud of me, she could barely contain it. I could also sense her keeping something secret, and I wondered if there would be a congratulations surprise when I saw her later. I didn't probe too deeply, lest I ruin it. â€Å"And you,† said Yuri, tugging at Dean's sleeve, â€Å"are going to take a walk with us.† I met Dimitri's eyes. I wished he could have stuck around and talked. My adrenaline was running high, and I wanted to celebrate. I'd done it. Finally. After all the embarrassment over my fumbles and alleged incompetence, I'd finally proven what I could do. I wanted to start dancing. Dimitri had to go with the others, though, and only a slight nod of his head told me he wished it were otherwise. I sighed and watched them leave, and then I walked back to my dorm alone. Back in my room, I discovered the situation was worse than I thought. Once I'd stripped off my muddy clothes, I realized I was going to need a shower and a good scrubbing before I was presentable. By the time it was all done, nearly an hour had passed. I'd missed most of dinner. I ran back over to the commons, wondering why Lissa hadn't sent me any nagging thoughts. She had a tendency to do that when I was running late. Probably she'd decided I'd deserved a break after my triumph. Thinking about it again, a big grin crept over my face, one that dried up when I headed down the hallway that led to the cafeteria. A big group of people had gathered around something, and I recognized the international sign of a fight. Considering how Jesse's band liked to conduct their beatings in secret, I figured this probably had nothing to do with them. Squeezing through people, I pushed myself forward and peeked over some heads, curious as to who could have drawn such a crowd. It was Adrian and Christian. And Eddie. But Eddie was clearly there in a referee role. He was standing between them, trying to keep them away from each other. Manners gone, I shoved aside the last few people in front of me and hurried to Eddie's side. â€Å"What the hell's going on?† I demanded. He looked relieved to see me. He might be able to fend off our instructors in combat, but this situation was clearly something he was confused about. â€Å"No idea.† I looked at the two combatants. Fortunately, no one seemed to have hit anybody †¦ yet. It also looked as though Christian was the one on the offensive. â€Å"How long did you think you could get away with it?† he exclaimed. His eyes were like blue fire. â€Å"Did you seriously think everyone would keep buying your act?† Adrian looked laconic as usual, but I could see some anxiety under that lazy smile. He didn't want to be in this situation, and, like Eddie, he wasn't even sure how it had happened. â€Å"Honestly,† said Adrian in a weary voice, â€Å"I have no idea what you're talking about. Can we please just go sit down and discuss this reasonably?† â€Å"Sure. Of course you'd want that. You're afraid I might do this.† Christian held up his hand, and a ball of flame danced over his palm. Even under the fluorescent lights, it glowed bright orange with a deep blue core. There were gasps from the crowd. I'd long since gotten used to the idea of Moroi fighting with magic – Christian in particular – but for most, it was still a taboo thing. Christian smirked. â€Å"What have you got to fight back with? Plants?† â€Å"If you're going to go start fights for no reason, you should at least do it the old-fashioned way and throw a punch,† said Adrian. His voice was light, but he was still uneasy. My guess was that he figured he could do better with hand-to-hand than spirit-to-fire. â€Å"No,† interrupted Eddie. â€Å"No one's going to set anyone on fire. No one's going to punch anybody. There's been some huge mistake.† â€Å"What is it?† I demanded. â€Å"What happened?† â€Å"Your friend there thinks I'm planning to marry Lissa and carry her off into the sunset,† said Adrian. He spoke to me, but his eyes never left Christian. â€Å"Don't act like it's not true,† growled Christian. â€Å"I know it is. It's been part of your plan – yours and the queen's. She's been backing you the whole time. Coming back here†¦the whole studying thing †¦ it was a scam to get Lissa away from me and tied to your family instead.† â€Å"Do you have any idea how paranoid you sound?† asked Adrian. â€Å"My great-aunt has to manage the entire Moroi government! Do you think she really cares about who's dating who in high school – especially with the state of affairs lately? Look, I'm sorry about all the time I've spent with her†¦we'll find her and figure this out. I really wasn't trying to get between you. There's no conspiracy going on here.† â€Å"Yes, there is,† said Christian. He glanced over at me with a scowl â€Å"Isn't there? Rose knows. Rose has known for a while about this. She even talked to the queen about it.† â€Å"That's ridiculous,† said Adrian, surprised enough that he too shot me a quick glance. â€Å"Right?† â€Å"Well †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I began, realizing this was getting very ugly very quickly. â€Å"Yes and no.† â€Å"See?† asked Christian triumphantly. The fire flew from his hand, but Eddie and I jumped into motion at the same time. People screamed. Eddie grabbed Christian, forcing the fire to fly high. Meanwhile, I grabbed Adrian and slammed him to the floor. It was a lucky division of labor. I didn't want to think what would have happened if Eddie and I had gone for the same person. â€Å"Glad you care,† muttered Adrian, wincing as he lifted his head from the floor. â€Å"Compel him,† I murmured as I helped him up. â€Å"We need to sort this out without someone spontaneously combusting.† Eddie was trying to restrain Christian from leaping forward. I grabbed a hold of one arm to help. Adrian didn't look thrilled about coming any closer, but he obeyed me nonetheless. Christian tried to jerk free but couldn't fight both Eddie and me. Uneasily, probably afraid of his hair catching on fire, Adrian leaned over Christian and made eye contact. â€Å"Christian, stop this. Let's talk.† Christian struggled a little against his restraints, but slowly, his face went slack and his eyes started to glaze over. â€Å"Let's talk about this,† repeated Adrian. â€Å"Okay,† said Christian. There was a collective sigh of disappointment from the crowd. Adrian had used his compulsion smoothly enough that no one suspected. It had looked as though Christian had simply seen reason. As the crowd dispersed, Eddie and I released Christian enough to a lead him over to far corner where we could talk in private. As soon as Adrian broke the gaze, Christian's face filled with fury, and he tried to leap at Adrian. Eddie and I were already holding on. He didn't move. â€Å"What did you just do?† exclaimed Christian. Several people down the hall glanced back, no doubt hoping there'd be a fight after all. I shushed loudly in his ear. He flinched. â€Å"Ow.† â€Å"Be quiet. Something's wrong here, and we need to figure it out before you do something stupid.† â€Å"What's wrong,† Christian said, glaring at Adrian, â€Å"is that they're trying to break up Lissa and me, and you knew about it, Rose.† Adrian glanced at me. â€Å"Did you really?† â€Å"Yeah, long story.† I turned back to Christian. â€Å"Look, Adrian didn't have anything to do with this. Not intentionally. It was Tatiana's idea – and she hasn't even actually done anything yet. It's just her long-term plan – hers alone, not his.† â€Å"Then how did you know about it?† demanded Christian. â€Å"Because she told me – she was afraid that I was moving in on Adrian.† â€Å"Really? Did you defend our love?† Adrian asked. â€Å"Be quiet,† I said. â€Å"What I want to know, Christian, is who told you?† â€Å"Ralf,† he said, looking uncertain for the first time. â€Å"You should have known better than to listen to him,† remarked Eddie, face darkening at the name. â€Å"Except, for once, Ralf was actually telling the truth – aside from Adrian being in on it. Ralf's related to the queen's best friend,† I explained. â€Å"Wonderful,† said Christian. He seemed calm enough, so Eddie and I released him. â€Å"We've all been played.† I looked around, suddenly taken aback by something. â€Å"Where's Lissa? Why didn't she stop all of this?† Adrian raised an eyebrow at me. â€Å"You tell us. Where is she? She didn't come to dinner.† â€Å"I can't. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I frowned. I'd gotten so good at shielding myself when I needed to that long periods of time would go by without me feeling anything from her. This time, I sensed nothing because there was nothing coming from her. â€Å"I can't feel her.† Three sets of eyes stared at me. â€Å"Is she asleep?† asked Eddie. â€Å"I can tell when she's asleep†¦This is something different†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Slowly, slowly, I gained a sense of where she was. She'd been blocking me out on purpose, trying to hide from me, but I'd found her as I always did. â€Å"There she is. She was – oh God!† My scream rang down the hall, echoing Lissa's own screams as, far away, pain shot through her.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

GARFIELD Surname Meaning and Family History

GARFIELD Surname Meaning and Family History Garfield is a surname thought to have originated as a habitational name for someone from a lost or unidentified place, from  the Old English gar, meaning triangular land, and feld, meaning open country or field. Other possible origins of the Garfield name include the Saxon garwian, meaning to prepare, or the German and Dutch gar, meaning dressed, prepared or a field or place furnished for an army. Surname Origin: English Alternate Surname Spellings:  GARFELD, GARFEELD Where Is the Garfield Surname Most Common? According to  WorldNames PublicProfiler, Garfield is most commonly found in the United Kingdom, with a large number of individuals with the surname living in the West Midlands. In the United States, the Garfield surname is most common in Utah, followed by Vermont, New Hampshire, Montana, Massachusetts and New Mexico. Forebears  identify the Garfield last name in England as being most common in Worcestershire (551st most common last name), followed by Huntingdonshire, Northamptonshire, and Warwickshire. In the United States, Garfield is most common in Utah, Montana, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Nevada, and Maine. Interestingly, the Garfield surname is also fairly common in Jamaica and Taiwan. Famous People with the GARFIELD  Surname James A. Garfield  - 20th president of the United StatesAndrew Garfield  -  American actorHenry Garfield  - birth name of American artist and musician Henry RollinsJason Garfield - juggler; founder of the World Juggling FederationRichard Garfield - creator of the game Magic: The GatheringEugene Garfield - American scientist Genealogy Resources for the Surname GARFIELD Meanings of Common English  SurnamesUncover the meaning of your English  last name with this free guide to the meanings and origins of common English surnames. Garfield  Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Garfield  family crest or coat of arms for the Garfield surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. GARFIELD  Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Garfield  ancestors around the world. Search or browse the archives to find messages related to your Garfield ancestry, or join the group to post your own Garfield query. FamilySearch - GARFIELD  GenealogyExplore over 100,000  results from digitized  historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Garfield surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GARFIELD  Surname Mailing ListA free mailing list is available for researchers of the Garfield  surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archive of past messages. GeneaNet - Garfield  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Garfield  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Garfield  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Garfield  surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Ancestry of James Garfield, 20th U.S. PresidentExplore the ancestry of President Garfield, including his ancestors, descendants, and famous kin. References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Type Accents in Italian on a Keyboard

How to Type Accents in Italian on a Keyboard Suppose youre writing to an Italian friend, and you want to say something like  Di dov’à ¨ la tua famiglia?  (Where is your family from?), but you don’t know how to type the accent over the â€Å"e.† Many  words in Italian  need accent marks, and while you could just ignore all those symbols, it’s actually quite easy to type them on a computer keyboard. You only need to make a few simple adjustments to your computers keyboard program- whether you have a Mac or a PC- and youll be able to insert accented Italian  characters (à ¨, à ©, à ², , à ¹) for  any electronic message. If You Have a Mac If you an  Apple Macintosh computer, the steps for creating accent marks in Italian are quite simple. Method 1: To place an accent over: option tilde (~) / then press the ‘a’ keyà ¨ option tilde (~) / then press the ‘e’ keyà © option ‘e’ key / then press the ‘e’ key againà ² option tilde (~) / then press the ‘o’ keyà ¹ option tilde (~) / then press the ‘u’ key Method 2: Click on the Apple icon on the top left of the screen.Click System Preferences.Choose Keyboard.Choose Input Sources.Click the add button on the bottom left of the screen.Choose Italian.Click Add.In the top right-hand corner of your desktop, click on the symbol of the American flag.Choose the Italian flag. Your keyboard is now in Italian, but that means you have a whole new set of keys to learn. Semicolon key (;) à ²Apostrophe key (‘) Left bracket key ([) à ¨Shift left bracket key ([) à ©Backslash key (\) à ¹ You can also choose Show Keyboard Viewer from the flag icon drop-down to see all of the keys. If you have a PC Using Windows 10, you can actually turn your keyboard into a device that will type Italian letters, accent marks and all. Method 1: From the desktop: Choose Control PanelsGo to the Clock, Language, Region option.Select (click on) Add a LanguageA screen with dozens of language options will appear. Choose Italian. Method 2: With the NumLock key on, hold down the ALT key and strike the three- or four-digit code sequence on the keypad for the desired characters. For example, to type , the code would be â€Å"ALT 0224.† There will be different codes for capitalized and lowercase letters.Release the ALT key and the accented letter will appear. Consult the Italian Language Character Chart for the correct numbers. Tips and Hints An upper-pointing accent, as in the character , is called laccento acuto, while a downward-pointing accent, as in the character , is called laccento grave. You may also see Italians using an apostrophe after the letter e instead of typing the accent above it. While this isn’t technically correct, it’s widely accepted, such as in the sentence: Lui e’ un uomo simpatico, which means, He’s a nice guy. If you want to type without having to use codes or shortcuts, use a website, such as this one from, a very handy free site that provides typing symbols in a variety of languages, including Italian. You simply click on the letters you want and then copy and paste what youve written onto a word-processing document or email.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Diversity in Canada Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Diversity in Canada - Research Paper Example The research paper "Diversity in Canada" analyzes the opportunities and challenges brought by the cultural diversity in Canada. The employment rate of the indigenous people in Canada that were aged between 25 and 54 years increased from 61.2 percent in the year 2001 to 65.8 per cent in the year 2006. On the other hand, 80.3 percent of the immigrants In Canada were employed in 2001 and in 2006, they employed population increased to 81.6 percent. The local Canadian market is quite diverse culturally just like the global market. Thus, businesses in Canada need to perceive and deal with the cultural diversity as well as the way it affects the economic behavior, market trends, and demands. To encourage the creation and sharing of Canadian stories, both at home and abroad, which reflect Canada's cultural mosaic, Canadian Heritage is pursuing a number of strategic objectives. One of the most cardinal strategic objectives is the realization of the significance of cultural diversity for Canada. There has been a huge debate about the usefulness of multiculturalism in Canada and the potential ways it is impacting the lifestyle of both the indigenous and the immigrant population in the country. The current state of cultural diversity in Canada can best be described as, â€Å"the best of times, it was the worst of times†. Canada has not only seen increased comparative advantage into the society but also has witnessed more evidence of the important role of the Canadian multiculturalism policy in the achievement of comparative success.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Globalisation and Mental Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalisation and Mental Disorders - Essay Example The results of the study shall be indicative of the current situation and are valuable in the improvement of treatment provision for a population that is increasingly becoming culturally diverse due to the large influx of people from other cultural backgrounds. With this knowledge, the society shall then be able to identify and take the appropriate steps to improve the way depressed people are being treated. Funding in the amount of  £2,800 is requested for expenses incurred during research the bulk of which shall be used for access to publications whose material is available only for a certain fee. To what extent has the relationship of depression, culture and treatment explored and how is the knowledge gained from this exploration being applied in the formulation of treatment for depressed patients? The researcher hypothesizes that there is little substantial research in this field and that results are limited due to the complexity of dealing with the subject of culture and associating it with another complex subject called depression. Hence, a lack of understanding of depression, within various cultures and communities exists, including the comprehension of the diagnosis and treatment of this condition. There is a desperate requirement for general medicine and public health services to understand the cultural needs of individuals when generating a diagnosis or treatment regime. Depression can have debilitating effects on the individual as it can lead to self-inflicted injuries and other destructive behavior. If left unchecked, it could also have severe consequences to society as evidenced in the school shootings and stabbings by clinically depressed individuals. However, in the field of depression treatment, there is the general tendency to adopt standards and procedures which has been developed in the past with one cultural group in mind.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Exploring Inferential Statistics and Their Discontents Essay

Exploring Inferential Statistics and Their Discontents - Essay Example fers to a linear model applied in statistical analysis; it is used in testing hypotheses, factor in estimates, known quantities and other sources of errors in statistical experiments. Thus, GLM matters since it is used in quantifying the relationship between a number of predictor variables and a dependent variable. Parametric methods or statistics refer to those methods that assume normality of a population or used after approximation by normal distribution immediately after invoking CLT (central limit theorem). On the other hand, non-parametric methods refer to general statistical techniques that do not make assumptions about normality of a population under study. In addition, these methods do not depend on the population which is being studied. Thus, they can also be referred to as distribution free methods. Compared to parametric methods, non-parametric methods are becoming more popular because statisticians or researchers are not supposed to be constrained to make assumptions on the population under study. Therefore, to compare the two methods, we consider a case of finding confidence interval on the mean. Both methods are required for this type of problem since parametric methods are deemed to be more efficient than non-parametric methods. However, difference in efficiency may not be a bi g issue but we need to decide on a method that is more efficient depending on the problem in question (Sheskin, 2000). It is crucial to pay attention to assumptions of statistical tests since a number of incorrect background assumptions will definitely result to inaccurate conclusions about a population being studied. Thus, such assumptions must be made with a lot of care. For cases of dependent variable scores that are not normally distributed, they can be transformed and use the alternative statistical of non-parametric methods in order to make equal weights on the variables. P=0.05 in statistics means the 5% probability of obtaining appropriate results from a given

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vegetarian Diet Is It Good Or Bad Philosophy Essay

Vegetarian Diet Is It Good Or Bad Philosophy Essay God has created food in different varieties and there are different ways to obtain it, so it was clearly easy to anyone to differentiate in the way theyre obtaining there food and how they want to cook it and how they want to eat it. For instance we can say that some people might like to have their meat meal from a choose of different categories like well done, medium or rare, but rare makes up for the minority number of people. In other words its just as some people have got the privilege to eat meat some choose not to have a small amount of meat or even any meat at all, these people undergoes the title vegetarians, vegetarians can also be called veggies or vegans but both of the names both lead to a same meaning. Some vegetarians choose to be so in order to avoid the slaughtering and vigorous killing of living organisms and some of them are veggies just because they dont like the taste of a meat itself, also some may be forced to avoid eating meat and thats because of a medical iss ue or any motherly forced environment .Vegetarians and being one of them has its own pros and cons, like for instance its claimed by some people that vegetarian diet is considered to be healthier than a meat including diet but fights and rumors keeps subjecting this case mainly, as for example we can use as a start that a vegetarian diet lacks the mighty highly needed component the vita D12 which is essentially needed by the body and needs to be taken in diet in a way or another and on the other hand being a vegetarian effects the current personnel social life and these people are mostly left singled and alone in our now daily community and are often more criticized than meat eating ones. Another name could be given to non meat eaters (vegetarians) is to be the people who practice not to eat meat, fish and any milk products or even eggs. a commercial name that is currently used by vegetarians is veggies. According to the vegetarian union , the word vegetarian has never been there before 1840 i.e its not an ancient tradition its just 150 years old and the word itself was considered an official word that can be used world widely at the 1847 at a meeting of a society of vegeterians at the UK. Vegetarians are found throughout the whole global world, and they are categorized by different areas,relegions,cultures,and race. For example vegetarians can also be differentiated into two different subsidiaries lacto vegeterians and ovo lacto vegetarians also we have got the Islamic type of vegeterians which are given the name Halal vegeterians.To start with the difference between lacto and ovo lacto its a slight one though but it makes up two complete different communities so lacto vegetarians type are the traditional vegetarians that doesnt come close or eat anything that contains meat nor any dairy products unlike the ovo lacto in which this category of vegans can easily drink dairy products and can still follow the title vegetarians and these are mainly in the western countries so its not like all vegetarians never eat anything living, so coming back to the halal vegetarian which is currently and mainly followed by the middle eastern community (The Islamic community) and this b ranch of vegetarians forces its people to eat meat under certain Islamic laws and the meat or any living thing eaten must follow a certain Islamic procedures without having the free privilege to eat that meat. Some other people are forced ot become vegetarians because of their religion, like jews,Judaism, Jews follow some guidelines that they are forced to follow same as how we mention halal vegan diet in Islam. But in case Jews follow the guidelines in which its mentioned there the types of diet they are allowed to have and which is prohibited to them, this sort of food diet is given the name Kosher. Its also divided into several divisions in which some have meat and some dont and some just have dairy products and some dairy products are not allowed and some are just allowed in small amounts so their aint a single type of kosher diet. A huge step like turning to a vegetarian takes place under a series of vital reasons, it can be because of sympathizing with animals and them being slaughtered, well after all this is not considered the only reason that might make people turn from a normal diet to a vegetarian diet, some just tunr to being a vegan due to health problem or digestion problems like stomach pain or ulcers and the fact that eating less meat doesnt affect the body negatively as much as eating excessive meat can cause to a human personnel. And as discussed by the professor doctor Yasser ashour the dean of physiology that excessive meat and some people stomach sensitive to meat may suffer sleeping disorders,nausea,headache,even diarrhea. So being a vegetarian might also have a positive effect to some people around us excluding the fact of that are they forced to be a diet are they choose to be on their own. However some doctors and therapists may order the human personnel to immediately stop eating meat due to a disease or a tumor. Also meat eating can be limited when a person notice3s that hes suffering from high cholesterol level or high fat level as if he continues on consuming meat and being a meat eater, fat and cholesterol deposition may occur in the main arteries and may cause atherosclerosis and blood clot. Not eating meats stops many important life factors from being in a human life, as the vegetarian diet lacks a lot of meat important contents which is important for normal human growth and normal body functions. Its just like god created goats to eat green food, lions to feed on meat, trees to feed on soil contents and humans to feed on both meat and vegetables ,this must happen to maintain a stable life cycle. Back to meat important components is the vita B12, which is important for cell replication and movment,formation of white and red blood cells, it also plays a vital rule in pregnancy and to maintain the optimum growth of the fetus inside his mum umbilical region. The international vegetarian union stated that vita b12 is needed for optimum growth of a human being and that vitab12 can never be obtained from plants unless these plants are infected, they also stated that the human body doesnt require huge amounts of vita b12 in fact a 1 microgram a day is more than enough to maint ain a constant body fluidity. Which in fact shows the vital importance of vita b12 and that a deficiency in it is considered a huge problem and mainly effects the life of the personnel lacking it by causing sever nerve damages and neurogenic disorders which may lead to serious shocks for ex: Hypovelmic shock in which the body keeps internally draining blood. Although some vegetarians excluded all the above facts and stated that vita b12 can be actually maintained and compensated with a mixture of a nutritional yeast, although in the other hand vegetarians also claimed that the deficiency of vita b12 can be replaced by vitamin pills at which they actually excluded that the vitamin pills itself is made from an organic living content as we mentioned above vita b12 cant be obtained from any diet except a meat containing diet. On the other hand excluding the vita b12 importance vegetarians are also supplemented to a deficiency of an important fatty acid which can only be obtained by havi ng a diet containing fish. It was also proved by the anthropology researchers that humans who were found thousands of years ago who used to eat meat are identified with their large brains than those who didnt eat meat,it was explained in an article Human evolutionary anatomy by Aiello ,leslie christpher dean, It was explained that the main reason to proper growth of body and brain was known by our ancestors by eating meat which was considered the most high source of energy ,power, and calories and in fact was a main meal so as a result of people nowadays claiming to be vegetarians they are the reasons of them having smaller brains and also occupying a smaller mass than our old ancestor due to a decrease in body figure which is caused by a decrease in the main energy source which is meat. Some people turn into vegetarians to avoid the killing of animals. On the contrary, to serve the vegetarian diet, deforestation is needed to provide land for crops. As a result many animals will be homeless; being vegetarian has nothing to do with saving animals. Vegetarian diet kills animals too. Some of these animals are rabbits and mice. Also deforestation may cause soil erosion and water floods which may lead to severe extinction in some animal species and gives room for natural selection and may also lead to the death of water creatures. Another misconception about being vegetarian is that vegetarians live more than non-vegetarians. However, according to oxford vegetarians may live one to three years more than non vegeterians according to scientific researches. Vegetarians diet has decreased cholesterol and fatty acids level and the decrease in diet of meat and fish needs to be compensated by taking nutritional pills, which might be harmful and might negatively affect the personnel health. Socially, vegetarians are afraid of peoples sarcasm since some people see that as an awkward situation. Its only enclosed to adults, but also children are sometimes forced to eat meat by their colleagues or by just some sort of school bully. When a vegetarian is around people may act differently either being so nice and supporting or being really sarcastic. There are several ways in which animals are being killed before being supplied as food for use to easily buy and eat. these ways are divided into 2 main ways Mainstream way in which the animals are firstly stunned mechanically or by gas or even by electricity and then they are left unconscious and moved to another place where their throat is being cut off and then they are sent to the butchers to cut the meat into small pieces or left as a whole to be sold to meat companies or a other butcher shops, this was is commonly used in the uk following the prescribed Eu community of the Uk. This method of killing is considered inhumanly as for some cases the animals may wake up from the unconsciousness stage a might be fully conscious and feel the pain. this method is used with most animals even rabbits and other farmed animals. the other method is the ritual method in which the animal is being strangely hit till it looses consciousness but the darks side of that is that the animal may also gain back conscious before their throats are being cut off and may also suffer which is against the animal rights agencies. At last, it is agreed on that vegetarians are healthier than the non vegetarians due to their highly decreased percentage of fat and cholesterol usage level in the blood but as it is below normal, vegetarians should compensate this deficiency by taking some pills which is extracted from a non animal source. Nevertheless, it doesnt cause increasing their life spam as people may think. On the other hand, the pleasure of having a meat containing diet is being missed by vegans and that there is no religion forbidden eating meat unless it is done under each religions certain laws of eating it. In relation to the above, if animals should or must be killed then not by those painful means mentioned, instead by merciful means that doesnt put them through pain, and for people who are planning to turn to vegetarians take care of the deficiencies and dont let saving animals and caring for them lead u to miscarriage of yourself and ending yourself up in a poorer situation than an animal itself.